3 Reasons Why Maximizing Your Engagement Is Important

April 15th, 2022 | by Logan Johnson

If you have been in the content creating space for some time, you know how frustrating the algorithm can be on all digital platforms when it comes to your engagement. It can feel like you’re spinning on a hamster wheel, constantly putting out content, not getting many likes, shares, comments, and saves (which we like to call “interactions”), which then leads to feeling unsuccessful and not knowing where to turn next. 

Trust us when we say we have been there. When we got to this point, it forced us to take a step back and ask the question, “Why does engagement matter?”. Other than just feeling good about getting one hundred comments on a post, engagement is key to building your community, proving credibility, and cultivating successful partnerships.

Build Community

In the early days of social media, there was a gap between the creator and the audience because it was very individualistic. Most people on social media just posted pictures to share with friends and family and typically would not get a lot of engagement on posts. 


In today’s creator economy, social media is now built on the relationship and trust between the creator and audience. As human beings, it is in our nature to form relationships and be in community with one another; this reality  is the same when it comes to our digital platforms. We like to follow other creators who are passionate about what they are doing and are committed to sharing content related to that passion. Like any friendship or relationship, find people who you enjoy engaging with their content and build that connection with them. 

Prove Credibility 

When you’ve established a community, you start to build loyalty and trust from your audience. Your following will:  


1) see you as a real person

2) be inspired by your passion

3) believe they can start sharing their passion too.  


In the information age that we live in, you have the opportunity to impact your audience in a beneficial way when this trust has been formed.


Establishing credibility with your audience will allow you to broaden the scope of your reach as your audience will likely begin to share your account with others. Through your passion, you will begin to see your platform grow which gives you more opportunity to inspire someone else to step into their passion and live the life they've always wanted. 

Cultivate Successful Partnerships

Once you have built a community and proven credibility, you now are set up to have successful partnerships. What does engagement have to do with brand partnerships you might ask? Everything. When a brand is looking at your platform and your engagement, they are looking to see what impact you have on your audience and if you can help them bring value to your audience through their service or product.  


When you have a successful partnership, you have made sure:


1) The partnership was good for your audience,

2) The partnership was beneficial to the brand itself, and

3) The partnership was beneficial for yourself.


The key element is realizing the value you bring to your audience and the value you bring to partnerships. By building community, you will achieve credibility, which will result in successful partnerships that will enable you to reach others and inspire others to step into their passion.

Copyright © 2021, Passion 2 Brand, LLC