3 Reasons Why Maximizing Your Engagement Is Important

If you have been in the content creating space for some time, you know how frustrating the algorithm can be on all digital platforms when it comes to your engagement. It can feel like you’re spinning on a hamster wheel, constantly putting out content, not getting many likes, shares, comments, and saves (which we like to call “interactions”), which then leads to feeling unsuccessful and not knowing where to turn next.

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How To Monetize My Digital Platform - Trifecta for Brand Partnerships

When you are entering into this digital space and looking to monetize your platform, brand partnerships can be game-changer, if implemented strategically. When asked how to have successful partnerships with brands, we encourage people to ask themselves: Is this brand good for my audience? Is this partnership good for the brand itself? Is the brand partnership beneficial for me?

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Hesitant to get into Content Creating? - The Only Tool You Need to Get Started!

If the title of this article caught your eye, we bet you are thinking about getting into content creation. Congratulations! Stepping into this digital space and sharing content that makes you come alive with the world is the most rewarding feeling ever. We all have something to offer and digital platforms make it so attainable and easy to start sharing your passion.

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Lessons Learned as Content Creators: Top 3 Fundamentals for Planning

When planning a road trip or vacation, it is easy to subconsciously have expectations on how the trip is "supposed" to go. Especially if you are a Type A, typing out an agenda for each day kind of planner, there are always things that bring change or throw off our plans. Expectations can be great in some cases but, if you aren't able to deviate from an original plan if something changes, you will be greatly disappointed and not experience your trip fully.

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Our Content Creating Story: Tips for Being a Content Creator

I started asking the questions, “Is this it? Is this what we are doing with our life?”. After taking a step back to look at our life and ask the question, “What do we want?”, we took a big step to sell our home in Kentucky, move out west to Colorado, and begin stepping into our passion of content creating.

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Winter Road Closures in Colorado: Planning Tips for the Travelling Content Creator

Are you a content creator who is looking to plan a road trip to Colorado anytime soon? In the summer and fall months, there are beautiful mountain passes you can take that lead you through curving, breath-taking, mountain views, sometimes leading you up to 12,095 feet in elevation. In the winter months, there are seasonal closures for some passes and roads which require extra planning time to plan your Colorado road trip adventure. Our goal as an adventure couple is to help you capture your content, share your brand and travel safely as you do so!

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