Our Content Creating Story: Tips for Being a Content Creator


by Logan Johnson   |   January 21, 2022




When Brett and I first got married in June of 2017, we would have never thought we would be where we are today. I was beginning my career as a special education teacher and Brett was determined to make it big in the corporate world after getting his CPA. After living in an apartment for two years, we bought our four bedroom, fenced-in backyard, dream home that we pictured us staying in for fifteen to twenty years. As we were living the American dream full of security and trying to climb the corporate ladder, a curiosity and discontentment started to grow in both of us. I started asking the questions, “Is this it? Is this what we are doing with our life?”. After taking a step back to look at our life and ask the question, “What do we want?”, we took a big step to sell our home in Kentucky, move out west to Colorado, and begin stepping into our passion of content creating. Our aim is to inspire and encourage people to step out of fear and invest their time into producing digital content related to their passion in order to live a life of fulfillment. Here are the top three things that can help you get started sharing digital content related to your passion.


Understand What Your Passion Is


The first step in beginning as a content creator is finding and understanding what your passion is. As we have been on this journey, we have come across thousands of content creators who create content about their pets, playgrounds in their area, places they travel, cooking tips, adventures in vanlife, traveling with kids, yoga, photography, and their music. It’s important to ask yourself:


  • What am I passionate about?
  • If I had all the time and money I wanted or needed, what would I do with my time every day?
  • What interests me the most?
  • What makes me feel the most free?


In a world of digital content and content creators, you have to remember there is only one YOU. In order to stand out in the crowd, really reflect and decide what you want to bring to the content creating world and then be confident in what your decision is. Steer clear of comparison because being a content creator is never perfect and we’re always learning new strategies in order to grow our brand.


Travelling Content Creator


Determine Your Content


Once you’ve captured what your passion is, the second step is determining what your content will be and how you’re going to share it. There are many platforms you can use to share your content as a content creator: blogs, websites, social media, or video blogs. You need to decide what platform works best for you and what makes you most excited. If you don’t find you enjoy writing, then maybe steer clear from writing a blog. If you love photography, look into social media platforms that allow you to share your content. When determining your content, decide if you want it to be:


  • Pictures
  • Videos
  • Words
  • Videos with audio or without audio


You also want to think about what style you want your content to be, whether you want it to be funny, inspiring, or sentimental and determine who your target audience will be. Who are you wanting to reach with your content in order to help create and grow your personal brand?


Be Consistent in Sharing Content & Engaging Routinely


After you have understood what your passion is, determined what your content will be and how it is shared with the digital creator world, it is time to be consistent in sharing your content and engaging with other content creators on a daily basis. Without consistently showing up, sharing your content, and engaging with other content creators, your growth will suffer and you will miss opportunities to create community and possible brand partnerships. There are a lot of people who think content creators just spend their time working when they want to, nonchalantly posting content, and not having to spend ridiculous amounts of time working on their business. Being a content creator is a lot of work and takes a lot of time and being consistent is the number one rule of content creation. It is good to spend at least 30 minutes a day engaging with other content creators, commenting, messaging, liking, sharing, and collaborating with others in the community. Engaging routinely helps create better relationships with your
following, your community, and brings the opportunity for brand partnerships (which is where the money can be made).


Brett & Logan Johnson


Stepping out of fear and into your passion can be scary but, as a content creator, you have so many opportunities at your fingertips that can help you create a life of fulfillment. Once you understand what you’re passionate about, determine how you’re going to share your passion, and begin consistently showing up through sharing content and engaging with your community, remember to have fun! You don’t need the latest and greatest equipment to begin your content creating journey. Just start and keep an open mind to taking hold of every opportunity to learn something new while creating digital content.

Copyright © 2021, Passion 2 Brand, LLC